Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Swift To Be Remembered in Trim

For the past months a large new building has been rising above the town of Trim. Built on higher ground to the south west above the old swimming pool it is an imposing building (photo above). It is in fact a new headquarters for the Office of Public Works built as part of the decentralisation of that organisation. This project went ahead in spite of government cutbacks.

The building is almost complete and a new street has been created to provide access. This street has to have a name and a report in the local paper suggests that it will be named after Jonathan Swift though the exact name is not yet decided. This is a tribute to the Trim Swift Festival in particular which has over the last two years increased the awareness of the Dean's connections with the town. As the newspaper report mentions a new Trim street was named a few years ago and I don't remember hearing Swift being considered at that time.

By the way do you know where Swift's Row is in Dublin? I didn't until today. It's part of the north quays between Ormond Quay and Batchelor's Walk.

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