Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Yale University Online

I'm just back from a week in Nice, France. A good time of the year to visit if you don't like too much sun. Some reading - Mallarme in translation and a very little writing, rewriting actually. Lots of art galleries in Nice, I visited a few.

More on Nice later in the week. Among the emails when I returned was one from Yale University Online announcing the release of ten new offerings on Open Yale Courses. The audio and/or video can be easily downloaded.

I'm a great fan of these - I listened to all of the Milton course and the Modern Poetry course earlier and found then enjoyable and informative. You need the time of course. These older ones are still available here.

Among the new ones on the Open Yale Courses curriculum are:

EEB 122 - Principles of Evolution, Ecology and Behavior with Professor Stephen C. Stearns

ENGL 300 - Introduction to Theory of Literature with Professor Paul H. Fry

HIST 202 - European Civilization, 1648-1945 with Professor John Merriman

ITAL 310 - Dante in Translation with Professor Giuseppe Mazzotta

RLST 152 - Introduction to New Testament History and Literature with Professor Dale B. Martin

I'm particularly interested in the Dante and the Theory of Literature courses. I'll download them on to the iPod and hope to listen when I get a chance.

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