Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Reading

Good turn out for the Readings and Open Mic last night in spite of the inclement conditions. Just short of twenty people there to hear two contrasting reading, each spell-binding in its own way.

Michael Clemenger read from his recently published Holy Terrors. He read an extract describing the experience of his confirmation in Tralee where he was an inmate of the Industrial School. He also read a poem he wrote recently after visiting the grave of an inmate who had been killed there.

The other reader, Brendan Carey Kinane, launched his poetry chapbook Racket in the Air and read from it. His poems are closely written, carefully crafted meditations on real life situations with wonderful use of language.

Among the open mic readers were Caroline Finn who read on Sunday Miscellany last Sunday and Peter Goulding (who blogs here) who made the trip from Dublin to read some of his humorous Christmas poetry from his recently published A Flash of Orange. A feature of the open mic was the great variety of material and style to be heard, congratulations to all who took part.

MC Paddy Smith ended the night suitably with his We Three Kings prose piece? monologue?

Picture above: Featured readers Michael Clemenger and Brendan Carey Kinane.

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