Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Irish Writers', Authors' and Poets' Handbook

I got this email recently from TAF Publishing and sent them details of our writing group and magazine. I have the UK published Poetry Writers Handbook 2008 - I don't think another was published since. I also have the UK Writers and Artists Yearbook 2004 by the same publisher. These have some use but with so much available on the web their use is limited. It would be nice however to have an Irish version in book form.

The Irish Writers', Authors' and Poets' Handbook - Directory Listings:

We are currently compiling directory listings for the forthcoming edition of The Irish Writers', Authors' and Poets' Handbook. The publication date is February 2010. We would like to include your organisation in our directory of publishers, literary agents, bookshops, book distributors, writer's groups, literary organisations, festivals and events, libraries, book clubs, creative writing courses, newspapers, magazines, journals, literary blogs etc.

Please help us to ensure that the information we provide is accurate and up to date by completing the short questionnaire below. It will only take five minutes. As the publication date is fast approaching we need your submissions by 31st January, to ensure that your details are included. There is no charge for inclusion.

The handbook will be promoted to libraries, writer's groups, individual authors etc throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland.
For more information please visit our website. You can contact us by e-mail us - info@tafpublishing.com.


  1. I got this too. I found it a bit dodge. Check their website and this is their only book...what does anyone else think?

  2. Why would you think it's a dodge? It's the only book on our website because it's our first. We are a new publisher, set up this year. We intend to publish a series of books on Irish writing and publishing in 2010. TAF Publishing is the publishing arm of The Author's Friend. If you're still not convinced you can check their website - www.theauthorsfriend.com.
