Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The T S Eliot Prize 2009

The winner of the T S Eliot Prize 2009 will be announced tomorrow Monday evening in London. This prize is awarded to the author of the best new collection of poetry published in the UK and Ireland each year. It is judged by a panel of established poets, this year by Simon Armitage (Chair), Colette Bryce and Penelope Shuttle. The shortlist of ten collections from the 98 new books published in 2009 which were submitted by publishers is available here.

On the list is one Irish published book, The Sun Fish by Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin published by Gallery Press, review here. Another Irish poet Sinéad Morrissey is on the list with her Through the Square Window published by Carcanet.

I've no idea who will win and the only one I've read is Hugo Williams' West End Final. I also heard him read from the book in Cavan late last year.

The BBC has readings by the poets from their shortlisted books here.

Mrs Valerie Eliot, the poet's widow, will present the prizes to the winner and the shortlisted poets. The prize is the largest cash award in British poetry. The winner will receive £15,000 and each of the shortlisted poets will receive a cheque for £1,000 in recognition of their achievement.

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