Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Boyne Berries Magazine

The spring 2010 issue, No 7, of Boyne Berries magazine is almost ready for the printers. We arrange everything and present the printers with a pdf. Two proofs are checked for typos and mistakes and then the magazine is printed. We hold a launch in Trim at which contributors are invited to read their pieces. We try to have a well known figure to perform the launch. These have included local Minister Noel Dempsey, poet and publisher Peter Fallon and novelist Noelle Harrison.

The magazine began as a response to our group's desire to see their work in print. We decided that instead of publishing a collection of our own work we would invite submissions, prose and poetry, and publish a selection of these with some of our own work. We put out calls for submissions on the internet and got a substantial number.

We have got some funding from Meath Arts Office twice but none recently. We also got a donation towards printing costs from a Trim resident with an interest in writing. Apart from that the magazine is funded by sales and by our own funds - members' weekly contributions.

We look on Boyne Berries as an important addition to the range of magazines publishing poetry and prose in Ireland and we especially like to encourage those who may not have been published before.

Issue 7 of Boyne Berries should be ready by the end of March. A provisional launch date has been fixed for Thursday March 25 but this has still to be confirmed. Submissions for Issue 8 and 9 will be opened later this year.

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