Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Boyne Readings and Open Mic

We held the first Boyne Reading and Open Mic of 2010 last Thursday night in our usual venue, the Village Hall, Knightsbridge, Trim. I couldn't attend being away at a family wedding in Kerry.

By all accounts the night went very well with eighteen attending on what was a very cold frosty night. Susan Connolly, poet from Drogheda read of Banshees and window cleaners, and friendships, and the Maiden Tower according to poet Frank Murphy who attended and commented on his blog. Boyne Writers Group member Orla Fay has a review of the evening and a photo on her blog.

Susan was very impressed with the venue and with the tea and delicious biscuits. She sold some of her latest collection Forest Music.

The other featured reader was Navan man Michael Sheils who goes by the nickname The Sheriff. His blog is here. His reading was also very well received. He is a regular at the open mic and there is a running joke between him and the MC Paddy. Paddy has a bell and a whistle to call to order those who overrun their time. He usually has to use it on the sheriff to the amusement of the audience.

More than ten readers took part in the open mic including some who had travelled all the way from Cavan. Thanks to them and to all the members of Boyne Writers Group and Meath Writers Circle who continue to support this venture.

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