Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Love and Poetry

For some unknown reason Love is often associated with Poetry (or is it the other way round?). Anyway tomorrow being Valentine's Day here are a few links to selections of poems deemed suitable for the day.

On Poetry Foundation they have a feature where Contemporary (American) Poets Pick Their Favorite Love Poems. Many unknown to me but nice to see William Butler Yeats included thought not for the expected Cloths of Heaven but for his When You Are Old.

The Poetry Foundation.org website also has a selection of love poetry under various headings such as Classic Love, Romantic Love, Teen Love, Funny Love, Sad Love etc. In case you need to write a love poem yourself the site has an article on how to write love poems.

The Poets.org site, also American, has small poetry Valentines you can send as attachments with yout Valentine emails. There's also the Poemflow Valentines which apparently you can personalise and send to your loved one.

The Americans do these sort of thing so much better/worse than the rest of us don't they!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the mention of Poem Flow. Your readers might be interested in our Valentines Day application (great for up to the last minute!) Choose from a set of classic love poems (in addition to Yeats there's even a little Joyce excerpt) and add a dedication and 'cover' to create a unique flowing poetry video.

    We're pioneering 'textflows' as a new way to read on screen. Would be interested in your feedback.
