Poetry Awards and Publications

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Boyne Berries Launch

All is in readiness for Thursday's launch. Ciaran Mangan, Meath County Librarian, is performing the official launch following in the footsteps of people like Minister Noel Dempsey, Poet/Publisher Peter Fallon and novelist Noelle Harrison.

At the moment it appears that there will in the region of eighteen contributors there to read their pieces which is very gratifying. A good attendance at the launch is vital for sales of the magazine, most copies are sold there. Some are sold in shops around the town and some extra copies to contributors.

I've just posted contributors' copies to contributing writers from outside Ireland. Copies of our little magazine are on their way to various parts of the UK and the USA, to Germany and France and one copy is on its way to New Zealand. I'll post copies to the Irish contributors who are unable to attend the launch at the week-end.

Then a rest from the magazine until the next submission period which will probably be May to July 2010. From these submissions the editorial team will choose material for the Autumn 2010 and the Spring 2011 issues.

The launch of Boyne Berries 7 is on at 8pm in the Castle Arch Hotel, Trim on Thursday 25 March. All welcome.


  1. Congratulations Michael. Are we going to be able to buy one online?

  2. Yes I think the PayPal link on the website page still works. www.boynewriters.com and go to the Boyne Berries page.
