Poetry Awards and Publications

Monday, March 15, 2010

WOW Awards Shortlist

The shortlists for the WOW (Words on the Web) Poetry and Fiction Awards has been announced.My name is there among the ten poets shortlisted. I'm delighted. I sent in three poems. The one which has been shortlisted was written two winters ago after a drive south from Galway city through some very waterlogged countryside. It's called appropriately, Waterlogged.

There are three awards in poetry and three in prose. The recipients in both poetry and fiction will be announced at an awards ceremony in The Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Galway on Friday April 30th at 7pm.

The WOW! Anthology, containing the shortlisted works will be launched on the night. All the shortlisted writers will receive a copy of the WOW! Anthology in a closed envelope on arrival and we have been asked not to open the envelope until after the awards have been announced. And the winner is . . .

Some familiar names on the lists including poets Michael Massey, Kilkenny and Pete Mullineaux, Galway. James Lawless who was a featured writers at the Boyne Readings recently is on the fiction list as is Niamh Boyce from Kildare who is being included in Boyne Berries 7.


  1. Congratulations Michael. This one passed me by completely. Waterlogged is a lovely word

  2. Congratulations Michael! I made the prose shortlist and am similarly delighted. See you on the 30th.

  3. Oh well done, Michael - more great news from the great and good in writing! I raise a virtual glass and salute you :)

  4. Oh well done and congratulations Michael. That's rounded off 2009 very nicely for you!

  5. Congratulations on that shortlist! A great year for yourself and the Boyne Writers Group.
