Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, April 16, 2010

Boyne Readings - Kate Dempsey

Our featured reader at the Boyne Readings last evening was Poetry Diva Kate Dempsey from Maynooth, Co Kildare. Kate impressed the discerning audience with her relaxed introductions, her polished reading performance and her unique take on everyday objects and situations.

She started with a poem about changing toilet rolls and from that on she had the audience hanging on her every word. Other highlights of her set were the poems about a single sock, good sherry trifle, I Could Lie about an unromantic (maybe that's not the right word) marriage proposal and Verbatim about cursing having been brought to Ireland by the British.

Her set was followed by an open mic which was as varied and as interesting as usual. Michael Shiels, The Sheriff from Navan, has returned from holidays and delivered two poems with his usual brio. Paddy Smith, the MC, finished off the night with a prose piece on some of his experiences as a regular bus passenger between Dublin and Trim. I read two poems from the series I wrote based on the film High Noon.

The night finished with tea, coffee, biscuits, chat and chapbook purchasing. Picture above: Kate with some of her fans.

More on the event from Frank Murphy here, and probably from Orla Fay here and Kate herself here.

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