Poetry Awards and Publications

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bealtaine Festival - Boyne Writers Group

Boyne Writers Group held their second Bealtaine event yesterday in conjunction with Barchester in Knightsbridge Retirement Village. This was entitled "I Remember, I Remember" and consisted of five of us reading our prose and poetry which dealt with memories.

Paddy read some prose and a poem (A Poem Paddy!!) about his father who was the photographer in the family and so doesn't appear in any of the family snapshots. Maria read a piece about being sent as a child to the busstop yo collect day old chicks by her mother. James read about the family moving from Galway to Meath. Eamon read some poems about growing up in Cavan including one about going to see a "Love Film" on a Saturday and actually enjoying it.

Paddy also read a poem from Group member Orla Fay who couldn't be present entitled Echo Gate and from Honor Duff about cycling through Meath in the war years.

I read five poems each based on a family photograph. The Home provided a laptop and projector and I showed each photograph, explained some background and read the poem. It seemed to go down well. One of these has been published and you can read it here.

It was a very enjoyable event, a good attentive interested audience and an interesting display of old school books as well.

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