Poetry Awards and Publications

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bob Dylan Poems

It's difficult to believe but back in the 90s Bob Dylan was almost forgotten. Now everywhere you look he's there. Opening the latest issue of Poetry Magazine, the first poem is by Scottish poet Roddy Lumsden (above) entitled Eidolon (It means an ideal or idealized figure).

When I reach the line: an Iron Range wraith junking cue cards, I realised it's about Dylan. He came from Hibbing in the Iron Range area of Minnesota and the cue cards refer to this well-known and often imitated Subterranean Homesick Blues sequence from the film Don't Look Back. That's poet Allen Ginsberg in the background.

You can read the Roddy Lumsden poem here.

I wrote a poem about the Dylan concert I attended in Liverpool last year, a sonnet actually. Quite good, though I say it myself. I recently sent it with two others to an Irish magazine. Wonder what they'll think of it.

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