Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, May 7, 2010

Boyne Berries Magazine - Submissions Open

Submissions for the next two issues of Boyne Berries, September 2010 and March 2011, are being accepted now until the end of July. We will choose material for the two issues from these submissions.

The full submission details including poem lengths and maximum prose wordcount are on the website. We much prefer submission by email with the material in the body of the email and as an attachment. One attachment please with maximum of three poems in that attachment.

Please please remember to include a brief two or three line biography. Every time we are sent submissions without bios or with bios which are a page long. We reserve the right to randomly cut bios which are too long - the result may not be to your liking! Also remember that the bio should be in the third person.

A postal address is essential so we can post you your contributor's copy of the magazine.

What kind of material do we like? We like variety and we also like to encourage emerging writers and beginners. Poems with very complicated formatting can cause us problems. Please be careful with punctuation - let us know if erratic punctuation is an integral part of the work. Being a retired teacher this editor is always tempted to insert or delete commas as he decides.

If you have been published very recently in Boyne Berries then you should not submit to these issues.

If you intend to submit it might be an idea to read a copy of the magazine. Some previous issues are available as pdfs from the website but it would help us a lot if you bought a copy of the most recent issue - do it on the website, pay by PayPal.

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