Poetry Awards and Publications

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Poetry Sequences - Submission Call

Apropos of earlier posts about longer poems this a reminder about Cinnamon Press' call for submissions to their anthology of poetry and prose poetry sequences which will be published later this year. The deadline for submissions is almost upon us: 15th May 2010.

The aim of this anthology is to showcase a substantial piece of work from each of the selected poets and to feature a poetry form that is often hard to place with publishers.

Guidelines : Each sequence must contain between 3 and 12 poems/prose poems, each of up to 40 lines in length or 250 words for prose poems. Sequences can be on any subject and you may send several sequences. All submissions must be via email. There is an admin fee of £2 per person which is paid online by PayPal.

I've sent in my sequence already. Did I mention that I wrote a sequence of poems based loosely on the film High Noon? That was one of the first films I ever saw and I came across it late one evening while flicking through channels. A fascinating story behind the film involving McCarthyism and Hollywood and the wonderfully titled House Committee on Un-American Activities.

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