Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, June 26, 2010

CSI Fada - RTE

I didn't have to use the new suit, they provided one from RTE wardrobe. The legs were far too long but they only filmed from the waist up so that was OK. A nice shirt and bow tie also though the white coat covered all. I was the pathologist who in performing the post mortem discovered something in the dead persons eye which was crucial to the investigation. So that must mean I'm the hero of the story.

My glasses were too modern so I appear in my RTE debut without spectacles.

It's an episode in RTE's documentary series CSI Fada about a case which took place in Athboy and Ráth Chairn Gaeltacht in 1946 and will be shown sometime in the autumn. My small part took two hours to film in Ráth Chairn community Centre and probably will last thirty seconds in the film - but a very important thirty seconds. Other parts were filmed on the main street in Athboy and in a house in Ráth Chairn.

Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh who grew up in Ráth Chairn knew of this story and seems to have been responsible for it being filmed. She made no comment on my acting though, is that good?

At least ten other extras from Trim Drama Group were used in the filming, I'm told the courtroom scene was particularly good. More charity collecting tomorrow.


  1. Oh brilliant!! And well done for spotting the vital clue. Be sure to let us know when they get around to screening it.

  2. Yes, its a very good sign that she didn't comment, I think its called, professional rivalry? The green eyed monster is quite evident in that profile photo.

    Look forward to seeing the documentary.

  3. Well done on the acting gig, Michael! Sounds intriguing. You're a man of many talents...

  4. Thanks all, I don't think talent is quite the correct word, more the right beard in the right place if you know what I mean.

  5. Must see this! Are you with the Beard Method of Acting? Will you please let us across the pond see this? Oh thank-you most kindly!
