Poetry Awards and Publications

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Francis Ledwidge International Poetry Award

I have been commended and highly commended in this competition at least twice. Maybe this is the year of victory! The awards night in Inchicore is always an enjoyable occasion.

The Inchicore Ledwidge Society have pleasure in presenting the 12th. Francis Ledwidge International Poetry Award. Last year saw entries from America, Canada and the U.K.

Trophy and Cash Prizes: 1st Prize is the Ledwidge plaque inscribed with the winners name. Cash prizes for second and third and merit certificates for finalists. The first 3 poems will be entered in the Forward Prize UK. In addition, the winner will be invited to read at the annual Francis Ledwidge Commemoration at the National War Memorial Gardens in July 2011

Poems must be the competitor’s own work not previously published or broadcast. Poems should not exceed 40 lines of type. Entry fee: €4 per poem, 3 for €10. Max. 6 poems (€20) payable to the Inchicore Ledwidge Society. Previous winners of The Francis Ledwidge Award welcome to try again.

Name and address and telephone number on a separate sheet. S.A.E. or Email address for winners list. All entries must be submitted before 5th. November 2010 to: (Note change of Address)
The Francis Ledwidge International Poetry Award 2010
43, Emmet Crescent.
Inchicore, Dublin 8.

Winners will be notified and results will be announced at the annual awards night.

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