Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Trim Swift Festival - Poetry in Motion

Three sessions of Poetry in Motion, static actually, yesterday in Trim. One session in the main street at noon, one outside the big supermarket and one in Lenehan's pub. I attended the first two but passed on the pub. Very enjoyable with lots of interested people stopping to listen to a poem or indeed to read one themselves. Paddy, the chief organiser, had a bag of poetry books with something to suit everyone.

On of the highlights was Paddy doing the Friends, Romans, Countrymen speech from Julius Caesar to a heckling crowd of about ten would be unfriendly Romans outside Supervalu. Cars slowed down as drivers wondered. Picture is of Paddy reciting in Market St to a small be rept audience.

I read some of the Verses on the Death of Dr Swift by the Dean himself. Also recited by heart Yeats' The Lake Isle of Innisfree. What one learns in primary school is most likely to be remembered. More Poetry in Motion tomorrow at 12 noon and at 3pm.

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to the Academic Seminar: Swift, the Global and the Local’ which starts at 9.30 am in the Knightsbrook Hotel. There are Swift experts from Villanova University, University of Bristol, University of Ulster, University of Otago, University of London speaking on many topics. Many have a contemporary resonance: Joseph McMinn, University of Ulster speaks on ‘Quacks, Chancers and Thieves: Swift and the Bankers’ and Eoin Magennis, Institute for Cross border Studies on ‘What does Swift tell us about financial crises?’

Lots of alternative events take place all day for those not interested in the academic. Check the website. Should be a good day.

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