Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Boyne Berries 8

Submission deadline has passed for the next two issues of Boyne Berries, Autumn 2010 and Spring 2011. Submissions have been tabulated in a spreadsheet and delivered to the editors. Fewer submissions than last time. It can't be the recession since unlike a competition there's no charge. Maybe we didn't get the same publicity as last time. However the website has all the information on submitting.

Still we got submissions from many foreign parts as well as from Ireland. One from Australia this time as well as a number from the UK and the USA, from Italy, France and India too.

We haven't got any grant recently for the magazine. Sales nearly cover the cost of printing and the Boyne Writers' Group cover the balance and fund the launch. These launches are very enjoyable affairs with many writers turning up to read their pieces, some travelling long distances and someone well known performing the launch. Peter Fallon of Gallery Press and Noelle Harrison the novelist have launched issues.

We haven't yet asked anyone to perform this next launch which will take place at the end of September.

Anyway the decisions will be made in the next few weeks and everyone who submitted will be informed. Almost all submissions came by email which means no scanning or typing in texts and easy contact with the authors.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking as one who failed to submit (sorry!!) it had been in the back of my mind for a long time but I didn't realise the closing date was approaching so soon, and then holidays...
    Maybe a reminder a fortnight in advance of the closing date?
    But I am not trying to excuse my scatterbraindedness. Mea culpa.
