Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blogging Award

I've got this award from very versatile blogger Niamh, thank you!

I have to list seven things about myself. Here goes.

1. I was born in the first half of the last century of the last millenium and go to Mass every Sunday.
2. I have written many poems about my grandparents. Well only three of them actually. (Three grandparents not three poems - more than three poems.)
3. Nuala O'Faolain read a poem of mine on Radio Éireann in 1969 or early 1970. I didn't get any money for it and no you can't see it, I don't have it any more. I didn't write any more for 34 years.
4. I think Dundrum Shopping Centre is the worst of its kind. Compared to it Blanchardstown is Paradise, Liffey Valley Purgatory.
5. Rex Ingram is my favourite movie director at the moment, Lillian Gish (or maybe Alice Terry) my favourite actress.
6. My favourite painting is Manet's A Bar at the Folies-Bergere or else anything by Jack B Yeats.
7. My favourite poem is Dante's The Divine Comedy or maybe How My Interest in Polish Poetry was Aroused by myself.


  1. I've never been to paradise...!
    I've Gish in Broken Blossoms on video (but no video player anymore!)And I loved her in Night of the Hunter, loved Mitchum too.
    Your poetry selction is very daring! "How My Interest in Polish Poetry was Aroused" - fascinating title.

  2. Hi Mick, over here in Poland,hope you like this Polish poem.


    zdarla nocą wszystkie liście z drzewa
    oprócz listka jednego,
    żeby się kiwał solo na gołej gałęzi.

    Na tym przykladzie
    Przemoc demonstruje,
    że owszem-
    pożartować sobie czasem lubi.

    Poem by Wisława Szymborska.
    Book title 'Tutaj '

    She was awarded Nobel prize for literature 1996


  3. Interesting facts Michael!
