Poetry Awards and Publications

Monday, October 18, 2010

George Szirtes in Gort

The Western Writers' Centre - Ionad Scríbhneoirí Chaitlín Maude - Galway presents a reading by renowned Hungarian born poet, George Szirtes, on this Wednesday, October 20th, at Gort Library, Gort, Co. Galway. The reading begins at 8pm and admission is free. Clare poet and musician Patrick Stack will also take part. More here.

It's a long way to go to hear a poet reading but maybe I'll make a day of it, maybe visit Galway city as well. I've heard George read at Dun Laoghaire Poetry Now Festival a couple of years ago and nearly attended an Arvon course he was a tutor on. He is a Manchester United fan and blogs here.


  1. Ah, it all sounded so enticing until the final sentence...

  2. You're not a Liverpool supporter are you?

  3. Lord no, Michael! I long for the day when the Big 4 (Big 5 now) implode....
