Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, January 7, 2011

Boyne Writers Group Meeting

It was a relief to attend a Boyne Writers Group meeting on Thursday evening. This was the first after a long snow and Christmas break and the relief seemed to be shared by the other seven who attended.

Everyone had a piece to read, some great poems and prose. These were met with keen criticism and plenty of discussion. Many of the pieces were related to the snow or the time of year, New Year reflections, new beginnings, snow, frost and the thaw, kingfishers, handbags, Chinese lanterns. Also a poem about summer music in Donegal and mine about Blanchardstown Shopping Centre imagined as a megalithic tomb. This is one of a series more or less completed. Good feedback on this, I have to look at a few parts of it again.

The variety of the group is its strength - one person may criticise the lack of clarity, another the telling the reader too much. You have to be prepared to defend, explain and often promise revision. It's great.

In two weeks we have the January Reading and Open Mic - Kieran Furey is the featured reader. Then in early February we will finally get round to the AGM, postponed because of the snow.

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