Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Bridport Prize 2011

A bit of history to start: This email was sent at 17:02on on 16 October 2009:

BRIDPORT PRIZE 2009: Whilst you have not won one of the top thirteen prizes in the Bridport Prize competition I am writing to let you know that your poem: Asking for Directions was shortlisted. Details of the winners and Jackie Kay’s report will be available from 22nd November.

With very best wishes,
Competition Administrator.

I was thrilled to be shortlisted. The Bridport gets thousands of entries from over fifty countries worldwide so to make the shortlist was an achievement.. The same poem has failed in various competitions - Strokestown, the O'Donoghue, iYeats, Over the Edge etc and is at present entered in another UK competition. Result end of January. I haven't entered the Bridport since.

The Bridport Prize 2011 website is now open for entries.

The Bridport Prize is the richest open writing competition in the English language - with £5000 first prize for a short story (of up to 5000 words); and £5000 first prize for a poem (of up to 42 lines). The new category of Flash Fiction attracts £1,000 to be won for the best short, short story of under 250 words.

The Bridport is also known as a tremendous literary stepping stone - the first step in the careers of writers such as: Kate Atkinson, Tobias Hill, Carol Ann Duffy and Helen Dunmore.

Anyone can enter - so long as the work is previously unpublished. It costs £7 per story, £6 per poem or £5 per flash fiction and the closing date is 30th June 2011. This year Carol Ann Duffy will be judging the poetry, and A L Kennedy, the short stories and flash fiction.

The 2010 anthology of winning entries is available for just £12 or £15 overseas (including postage and packing). The 2009 and 2008 anthologies are available in limited numbers for £7 and £5 (£10 and £8 overseas)

Enter online at: www.bridportprize.org.uk

Or download an entry form: www.bridportprize.org.uk/entryform.pdf


  1. Well done on getting shortlisted Michael.
    Amazing how a piece of writing can receive such a varying reaction depending on the competition and the judges. There's a moral there.....such as, don't give up!
    Thanks for the Bridport info.

  2. Yes indeed Mari, have a go and don't give up!!

  3. I'm an adjudicator myself, and know how very, very hard one must try to be objective. So pleased your poem struck a chord with Jackie Kay. As Mari G says, you have to keep going, following your heart and have a quiet belief your words will touch another's.
    Good luck, Michael.
