Poetry Awards and Publications

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bob Dylan in Cork 2011

Tickets on sale this morning for Bob Dylan in Cork in June.
But you saw him last year in Limerick!
He hasn't released a new album since has he?
No but . . .
So what's the point?
Well . . .
And it's a long way to Cork.
Yes but . . .
And you're too old to stand in front of the stage
Now hold on . . .
And if you sit you'll be miles away.
I know.
And Bob doesn't allow big screens at his concerts.
Well the last time I saw him at the Marquee in Cork I did stand. Got in early and stood for hours.
You haven't been right since.
Maybe you're right.
Of course I am. Anyway he can't sing anymore, his voice is gone. It said so on the internet.
Wait a minute. What voice?
You know that mumble, mumble, mumble.
OK that settles it.
Ticketmaster? Dylan ticket. Best seated please.


  1. Hi Michael
    It's great to see old geniuses still going strong, age and wounded vocal chords are no barrier to Mr Dylan! Enjoy

  2. Your wrong boy! its not a long way to CORK,i should know i live there..

  3. I think it's better if you stand up near the front, Michael. He might recognise that old geezer with the white beard -- and be reassured in the knowledge that it's only 187 days to Christmas.

  4. Thanks Mari. I'm a great admirer of old geniuses! Spot on Anon, but from where I live . . . ! Paddy, which old geezer are you referring to?
