Poetry Awards and Publications

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Boyne Berries Launch

Tonight we launch Boyne Berries 9. All is in readiness. We even have the magazine, have had them for a week beforehand actually which is a record. At least twice I've collected them from the printers on the morning of the launch. Greg has done the usual great job on the black and white cover.

Noel Dempsey who recently retired is officially launching the magazine. He launched the first issue in March 2007 when he was Minister for Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources so we are delighted to have him back.

We are hoping for the usual large attendance of members, locals and those who travel a distance to read their contributions and enjoy the occasion.


  1. Hi Michael,
    You may remember me--I was third place in the WOW contest and we have been in touch before. I was wondering whether Boyne Berries accepts international submissions? If so, I will send something for your May 1 reading period.

    Best to you,
    Carolyne Van Der Meer
    Montreal, Canada

  2. Yes indeed Carolyne we welcome international submissions.
