Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, March 18, 2011

Poetry Ireland Introductions

I'm delighted to have been selected by Poetry Ireland/Éigse Éireann for the Introductions Series 2011. We received a large number of submissions for this series, so congratulations on your selection.

The Introductions Series 2011 will take place in early May (dates TBC) in the Irish Writers' Centre. A free workshop with poet Alan Jude Moore is also offered as part of the Introductions series. This workshop should be of assistance in terms of preparing both the poems and the poet for a public reading. The workshop with will run on Saturday 2nd April, 2011, 11a.m.– 4p.m.

I knew a number of those who were selected last year, Peter Goulding, Connie Roberts, Andrew Caldicott, Martin Dyar. Two of those have won the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Competition.


  1. Thats great news, well done! In great company!

  2. Congrats Michael! Hope to make the readings.

  3. Again, Michael, heartiest congratulations!
    I'm delighted for you. Well deserved.

  4. Brilliant news, Michael, and if I might say so, about time too! Hope to make some of the readings and yours in particular.

  5. Thanks all. Hope to see some of you there. Date not confirmed yet.

  6. Fantastic news, Michael. I was lucky to be picked back in 2005. It's a really big deal, so enjoy it! Well earned :)

  7. Well done Michael.

    Can we read the poem/poems anywhere or is it live readings only?

  8. Congrats! That is quite an achievement.

  9. Thanks Barbara, Mari, Orla & Brigid. A live reading only Mari.

  10. Congratulations again! I'm number twelve! Well Done!
