Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April On The Nail Reading Limerick

My Limerick reading this week. I've read at the White House there but the On The Nail readings are relatively new so I'm looking forward to it.

'On The Nail' Reading @ The Locke Bar, Limerick Thurs. 7th April 2011, 8.00pm

Organised by The Limerick Writers' Centre this popular monthly reading and open-mic continues to attract audiences with a mix of poetry, prose and music.

In April the Guest Readers are Susan Millar DuMars and Michael Farry.

Susan Millar DuMars teaches creative writing at various Galway venues. She also organises literary events, including the Over the Edge open readings, begun in 2003. She also teaches special needs groups as well as the general public. She published her first full book of short stories in December of last year. The book Lights In The Distance from Doire Press has thirteen stories, most of which have been published individually.

Michael Farry was born in Coolaney, Co. Sligo in 1947. He attended Rockfield National School and St Nathy's College, Ballaghaderreen. He trained as a primary teacher in St Patrick's Training College, Drumcondra, Dublin 1966-68. He has been writing poetry since 2004 and has been published in a number of small magazines and has been commended and shortlisted in a number of poetry competitions. He is a founder member of Boyne Writers Group.

Everyone is invited to take part in the open-mic after the main event, poets, storytellers, musicians and writers . Even if you don't write you are welcome to bring something along to read. The night begins at 8.00pm and admission is free. So join us on the night and make this event something special.

The Limerick Writers' Centre acknowledges the support of The Arts Council of Ireland.
Further information contact: Dominic Taylor 087 2996409; email limerickwriterscentre@gmail.com web

Videos of previous On The Nail reading here.

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