Poetry Awards and Publications

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Poetry Ireland Introductions

The Irish Writers' Centre have a notice about the upcoming 12 May Poetry Ireland Introductions on their website. (Scroll down) I'm really chuffed that they used my picture to illustrate the notice since I'm the only male among the eight Introducees (?). The blue pullover looks well doesn't it. Sorry AinĂ­n, Kimberly and Donna.


  1. Looking well Michael, will you be going to the Boyne Berries meeting afterwards that night??

  2. Blessed art thou amongst women, Michael!
    Enjoy your reading on the 12th. Wish I could be there to cheer you on.

    And, yes, that's a grand pic of you in your blue gansey: brings out the twinkle in your (blue?) eyes :-)

  3. Thanks girls. Probably won't make boyne Writers that night Orla. Extra pressure Connie since I'll be representing the male side of the human race.

  4. I know it's the Boyne Writers meeting, sorry, not a freudian slip either, just a million things on my mind. I hope to be there on Thursday night, I've asked for the early shift in work. Best wishes for the reading :)
