Poetry Awards and Publications

Monday, May 30, 2011


After Bedford back towards the west again. A stop in Coventry to see the city centre and the new cathedral. New in the sense that it was built after the second world war beside the ruins of the old cathedral. Very impressive building with much to admire especially the great Graham Sutherland tapestry behind the altar.

Then further west to the city of Worcester on the river Severn. Another cathedral here, with the tomb of King John, and lots about the quintessential English composer Edward Elgar who was born and lived locally. The cottage where he was born is preserved and open to the public. A lovely quiet place with a beautiful English country garden. It has a recently installed sculpture of the composer by Jemma Pearson at the end of the garden. You can sit beside him and look at the distant Malvern Hills.

Elgar, though he was awarded a knighthood, was an outsider, a Catholic, from a poor background and without much formal music training. A very interesting character.

I watched the European final last night in a local pub. I was surprised that there appeared to be little interest and hardly any support for Manchester United, the English champions after all. Most were supporting Barcelona and were delighted with the result. I kept quiet.

Drive in the rain to Holyhead today and cross to Dublin Port late tonight.

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