Poetry Awards and Publications

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Trim Swift Festival 2011

Suddenly it's upon us, the Trim Swift Festival starts on this Thursday. That must mean that our annual Battle of the Books is on Sunday. I understand that the other group has been hard at work preparing to defeat us again this year. While we were listening to Italian poets last Thursday they were locked away in an upper room finalising their line ups, their content and getting their timings just right.

Our spies tell us that we haven't a hope. Their finely honed content is excellent, no out of date jibes at bankers, politicians or the like - so last season! - but really good satire at unexpected targets, very Swiftian. Our own final (also the first) rehearsal is on later this week - well it has to be before Sunday! - at a secret location (I hope somebody tells me where). Seriously our only hope is that the others have peaked (peeked?) too early and will have gone stale by Sunday.

Next year they will be going for three in a row!! Oh dear. The Battle of the Books is part of the Theatre as you Dine event on Sunday in the Trim Castle hotel. Details here.

Picture above: Local artists put the finishing touch to a brilliant painting of Gulliver at the old salesyard, Summerhill Road, Trim. I love the watch detail. Now is that a murial or an alfresco? And who asked was there going to be anything about Swift in this year's festival?


  1. Upstairs? They had us in the basement! There's collateral damage out here!

  2. Images from the 2011 Swift festival launch at the link below

