Poetry Awards and Publications

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Boyne Berries Launch

All set for the launch tomorrow evening in Trim. just a few little things to finalise.
That's great. Well done. You seem better organised than usual.
No, not better than usual, as good as usual!
Oh dear, as bad as that.
Peter Fallon is launching the magazine, I sent him a proof copy. He did a marvellous job the last time.
Oh so you don't actually have the magazine yet?
And we're having almost twenty contributors in Trim on the night to read their contributions. Probably our biggest launch yet.
Are there enough chairs in the room?
And a Canadian poet, Carolyne Van Der Meer, who is a contributor is arriving from Montreal tomorrow morning to read in Trim and at the Galway launch. An international event!
So what does this wonderful special 10th issue of Boyne Berries actually look like?
The proofs looked great.
But the finished, printed article?
I'll tell you tomorrow.
You haven't actually got the magazine yet and the launch is only a day away!
No panic! All is well! The Castle Arch Hotel, Trim, 8pm, tomorrow Thursday 29 September 2011. And Charlie Byrne's Bookshop, Galway, the following evening 6pm.
Have you checked that they corrected that comma on page 34?


  1. Best of luck with the launch this evening, Michael! I'm sure it'll be a great success.
