Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Down Under Tour - Perth Poetry Club

The international debut! Perth Poetry Club on a Saturday afternoon, a wet Saturday afternoon actually. So it does rain in Perth! As one of the open mic poets said "When it rains in Perth it pours". A very enjoyable two hour session with two featured poets and plenty of others in the open mic. Most seemed to be regulars and the lot made for a great afternoon. Janet Jackson was a great host.

Perth's own Queen of Slam, Kaitlyn Plyley, was the featured poet in the first half and went down very well. Great confident delivery especially when she did a poem "by heart". Her princess poem was a great hit with topical references to Queen Elizabeth's current visit to Australia.

I was the featured poet of the second half and got a great reception, Irish accents among the audience helped. I read six poems starting with my Perth at 5am poem which was written when Sinead first went to Australia.

Others I read were greatest hits like When I Returned and Journey Back and I finished with The Truth, the one that begins with I told my children lies. As usually happens another poem in the open mic chimed with mine dealing with the truth/untruth of Santa Claus. The open mic saw a great selection of poems and styles, very enjoyable, much like an Irish open mic.


  1. Ah well done Michael. We will be following your triumphant antipodean tour avidly. (Surprisingly, its raining here too)

  2. Looks like you'll be needing an agent soon, Michael. I'm busy at the moment but I could make myself available if the terms were right. And I do think you need someone to advise you on which pieces to read. I'm very familiar with your material because I've heard it so much. The main thing I'd be saying to you is that first impressions are important and that by the time the audience gets over the sight of this hairy Irishman, half your time slot is gone. Think 'Impact', Michael, and none of your usual thoughtful and esoteric stuff. But what do I know about poetry?
