Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gregory O'Donoghue International Poetry Prize

An international poetry competition run by the Munster Literature Centre in Cork, Ireland is currently open for submissions. Winners will be published in Southword journal which has previously showcased Billy Collins, Sinéad Morrissey, Martín Espada, Greg Delanty, Tess Gallagher, Matthew Sweeney and Brian Turner amongst many other respected literary figures.

This is a prize for single poem, named in honour of a late Irish poet long associated with the Centre. The Gregory O'Donoghue International Poetry Prize will have a first prize of 1,000 Euro (on 5 September 2011 approx. USD 1430 or GBP 875) and publication in Southword Literary Journal.

The MLC will subvent travel costs for the winner up to 600 Euro and provide hotel accommodation and meals for three days during the Cork Spring Literary Festival. The author who takes first prize will have the chance to read the winning poem at the Cork Spring Literary Festival in February 2012. There will be a second prize of E500, third prize of E250, and ten runners-up will each have their poems published in Southword and receive Southword’s standard fee of E30.

The deadline is 18 December 2011 and this year's judge is poet Patrick Cotter. More information, including submission guidelines, may be found on the website.

1 comment:

  1. I don't seem to be able to post comments in your Perth post - maybe something to do with the title not being hyperlinked?
    Anyway, glad you arrived safely and I presume Perth is awash with the news that Shels completely destroyed Pats and now stand between Sligo and a third consecutive Cup victory on 6th November.
    Have a great time...
