Poetry Awards and Publications

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The October Garden

The garden in October still has a remarkable amount of colour. The Sweet Pea in tubs at the front just keep on flowering. In the middle the Japanese Anemone and the Rudbeckia have done very well in spite of some cutting back last winter. The Woodbine has made a great display this year as well. but at the bottom of the garden the sycamore leaves have begun to fall.


  1. The colour is beautiful. I am sure it will give you great inspiration too. I miss my Irish garden all through the bleak and totally white winter months. It is always green, always colourful! Can brighten even the dullest of days!

  2. Michael, what a splash of colour, it seems as if it's still summer in your neck of the woods!
    While I'm here just to let you know Clane writers hosting open mic in Newbridge on Wed night Oct 12th 8pm if you happen to be available to read some poems....

  3. Thanks Ann and Mari. Don't know if I'll make Newbridge Mari, I'll try my best.
