Poetry Awards and Publications

Monday, October 10, 2011

Short Stories

I don't read short stories, much nowadays. In fact, don't tell anybody, but I don't like short stories. I grew up on a diet of Frank O'Connor, Seán Ó Faoláin and Liam O'Flaherty and have had more than my fill of them. There was always something too neat, too polished, too finished about those "little gems". Probably completely different now but one is allowed one's little prejudices surely.

Anyway here's something for the short story writers:

“In conjunction with the launch of Labello Press, a small independent publisher based in South Tipperary, we are pleased to announce our first International Short Fiction Competition. In addition to cash prizes, selected stories will be awarded the Leonard A. Koval Memorial Prize and be published in the 2012 Anthology, “Gem Street.”

“Gem Street” is an annual anthology featuring previously unpublished writing and over the coming months we will be working hard to create new opportunities and services for writers.

The opening date for submissions was 30th August 2011. Closing date for submissions is 31st December 2011. Guest editors and judges will be announced.

Labello Press is committed to producing quality books and establishing itself as a writer friendly, down to earth alternative in a technology driven industry.

Please visit the website for full details and submission guidelines or to contact us for additional information.”


  1. Hi Michael, thank you so very much for including our International Short Story competition on your site. It is greatly appreciated.
    Deborah (McMenamy)

  2. Thanks for pointing us to the link. A new one for me
