Poetry Awards and Publications

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Creative Writing Workshop - Finding Inspiration

Last year or maybe the year before I attended a poetry workshop conducted by Dave Lordan at the Dromineer Festival. I really enjoyed it. Dave is a well known poet with a particular style of writing and delivery. Sometimes people get the idea that if a poet has a particular style he/she will teach the style in a workshop. not true in my experience and certainly not true about Dave.

I mention this because Dave Lordan is giving a workshop entitled Finding Inspiration in the Hotspot Cafe, Greystones on this Friday December 2nd. 7.30 to 9pm. One could do worse than attend.

Topics covered:

Where do stories and creative ideas come from?
How can we make creative use of our own vast store of stories and experiences?
How can we jump-start our imaginations when we just aren't feeling up to it?
How do we draw inspiration from our every day lives?
How do we make time in our busy lives for inspiration and creativity?

The cost will be 10 euro, including admission to the fabulous Speakeasy Cabaret later on that evening. Booking is advised. To book a place phone dave on 0870921117, or e-mail at dlordan@hotmail.com.

Read more about Dave at his website.

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