Poetry Awards and Publications

Monday, February 27, 2012


I understand there is a TV programme which is quite popular at the moment called Downton Abbey. Have you heard of it? Even seen it? Did you spot any of these verbal anachronisms?

In my Asking for Directions MS I had lines in a series of poems about 1932 (Eucharistic Congress in Ireland and my Grandmother died of TB) which went:

They bought a radio,
fixed it in the corridor so we could join
in prayer,
sing hymns, listen to the Pope.

During editing Noel King said, Would they have called it a radio? Immediately I changed it to wireless.


  1. I'm taking note re: wireless, my novel is set in the 30's...ashamed to say I just removed a red biro from chapter one, another category of error altogether:)

  2. Thanks Niamh and congratulations on your success in the Irish Writers' Centre Novel Fair Competition.
