Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Asking for Directions - Ocean FM Interview

Update: I've put a recording of the interview on my Skydrive in a public folder, available here. (I think!). 

I was interviewed by Ocean FM's Therese Madden earlier in the week about the publication of Asking for Directions. The interview, or an edited version, should be included in this Sunday evenings Arts House programme on that radio station which serves Sligo and Donegal.

A pleasant experience, once it's not live it takes away a lot of the stress. Among other things Therese asked about my Sligo background, how I write and what advice I would give to unpublished poets.

I read two poems, both of which have Sligo connections; the one about laying down all the clothes I ever wore to carpet the road back to Sligo and one about my grandmother who died of TB in 1932, combining that memory with the Eucharistic Congress of the same year.

I'll be listening live on the internet. I don't think they have a podcast available later.

Ocean FM: Sunday evening; 8pm - 9pm ARTS HOUSE, presented by Therese Madden. All the latest on the regional literary, dramatic, artistic and craft scene. A perfect showcase for local talent.

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