Poetry Awards and Publications

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Five Minute Play Competition

A reminder of this competition. 
Not much time left but you only have to write a five minute play so get writing.  Very good prizes.
Note: This is organised by the Swift Satire Festival not Boyne Writers so Boyne Writers members can enter (including me of course).

The Swift Satire Competition, which for the last number of years was organized by Boyne Writers Group for the Trim Swift Festival, is not being held this year. In its place the festival has come up with this idea: A five minute drama competition.

Scripts for original 5-minute plays are now being accepted by the Swift Satire Festival, Trim, Co Meath, for performance during this year’s festival on Sunday, July 8.

A shortlist of 5 plays will be selected for competition. Entrants on this shortlist will be required to stage their own play with their own cast. Each play must include a character called Gulliver. Casts are limited to three characters.

Entry fee is €5 per play. First prize €300; €50 each for the four runners-up, with a €100 audience prize for the best play (decided on votes by the audience).

Closing date for entries is Friday, June 1. The shortlist of five finalists will be selected, and authors informed, by Friday, June 8.

Enquiries and rules from swift5minutedrama@gmail.com or to Paddy Smith, 25 St Johns, Trim, Co Meath, 086 1577526.

The Swift Satire Festival (formerly the Trim Swift Festival) is a celebration of the life, times and heritage of the writer, Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), who lived in the Trim area for many years.

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