Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Galway Literary Magazine

The Skylight Poets of Galway are now inviting submissions for a new literary magazine. Poems (no more than six with a maximum 40 lines each) and a short bio are to be sent to skylighypoets47@gmail.com by 1 September 2012. The magazine will also be publishing reviews, occasional essays and art work.

The Skylight Poets are a community of writers who meet in the Galway Arts Centre for a workshop facilitated by Kevin Higgins. Some have published collections, while the work of others appears regularly in literary magazines. The group is not fixed: people take leave for a while and return, allowing for the vitality new members bring. Through the magazine the Skylight Poets hope to embrace and serve a wider community, providing a forum and showcase for emerging work.

The new magazine will be launched at the tenth anniversary of Over the Edge readings at Galway City Library in January 2013, which has a regular audience of forty to sixty people. In Spring a special Over the Edge event will be dedicated to readers published in the magazine.

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