Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Poetry in Motion

The weather may have been bad but the show must go on! Boyne Writers Group and members of the passing public read poetry in the main street of Trim yesterday as part of the Swift Satire Festival.

Paddy Smith, (above) Swift committee member and chair of the writers group, started proceedings. I thought his choice of The Donkey as first poem of the day a bit self-satiric but Shall I compare thee to a Summer's Day as second was inspired. This summer's day would have been at home in February or November.

Today I give a talk on Gulliver as a Comic Book Hero at 5pm in St Patrick's Cathedral, Trim where a wonderful exhibition, Swift in 30 Objects, is on show.

And in the satire tent, satire and comedy all day (and part of the night).

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