Poetry Awards and Publications

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Boyne Berries 12 Launch

It sometimes happens that we collect copies of our magazine, Boyne Berries, from the printers on the morning of the launch. This time we have done everything in good time and the magazine is ready and has been collected.

Boyne Berries 12, published by Boyne Writers Group, Trim, will be launched on Thursday 27 March at 8pm in the Castle Arch Hotel, Trim.

This issue will be launched by Professor Gregory Castle of the Department of English, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Professor Castle teaches courses in British and Irish literature, modernism, postcolonial studies, and literary and critical theory. He is the author of a number of books including Modernism and the Celtic Revival (2001) and The Blackwell Guide to Literary Theory (2007). He has had poems published in previous issues of Boyne Berries.

Boyne Berries 12 costs €8 but will be on sale at a reduced price at the launch. It will also be available in Antonia’s Bookshop and in SPAR, Trim or can be purchased through the website www.boynewriters.com.

More in advance of the launch.

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