Poetry Awards and Publications

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trim Drama Group - Dine With Laughter

Trim Drama Group’s autumn production will be held in Knightsbrook Hotel and Golf Club on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th November 2012. Following their spring 2011 dinner theatre production – four short comedy plays interspersed throughout a four course meal – they have decided to repeat the format. 

These are the four plays:

The Dating Game by VB Leghorn, directed by Elaine McLoughlin.
Three bachelors, one hostess, one announcer and a female looking for a date. What happens when not everybody sticks to the format?

Misconception by Sean Henderson, directed by Sean Henderson.
Niall Fagan and Ann O’Sullivan play an everyday normal married couple. However, on returning home from work, we see a desperate woman trying to cope with a pregnancy test and its result. But is all as it seems?

The Clive Way by John P Dowgin, directed by Sinead Sturdy.
A group of rehabilitated anger-management patients strive to pass their final test and get their ‘Anger-Buster’ certificate with some unexpected consequences.

Talk to Joey by Paddy Smith, directed by Willie O’Brien.
This effort, written by Boyne Writers Group and LitLab member, Paddy, seems to be based on (a rip off of  - a blatant copy of) an obscure popular afternoon radio show which involves members of the public airing their pet hates on the air at the license-payers expense.


  1. hi michael, this is off topic but I wanted to pick your brains? what time would shops have stayed open till in small towns in 1930s ireland? I know its before your time, but as a historian? I thought it was as late as eight or nine?

  2. Hi Niamh, I think that many of these shops would have public houses attached and would be "open" as long as the bar was open. Also I think where the customer was known to the shop owner, a knock on the door would get access to the shop in an emergency, medicine, cigarettes etc.
    Most were not lock up shops, the owners lived beside/above the shop.

  3. thanks Michael! (and of course I mean brain, not brains!) And if a shop wasnt a pub? Would it have been six o clock close like nowadays, or later in the evening? Sorry to harrass! :)

  4. I think 8 or 9 would have been a more likely closing time in small towns and villages. This would be especially true of grocery shops and the like.

    People do say "Can I pick your brains" don't they. Never noticed that before. Hmmm
