Poetry Awards and Publications

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Guide to Theatre Writing and Production

Meath County Council Arts Office is delighted to present a new professional development clinic – A Guide to Theatre Writing and Production.

This arts clinic will be held in Ashbourne Cultural Centre, Killegland Street, Ashbourne on Tuesday 29 January from 6pm – 9pm and will be facilitated by sriptwriter Deirdre Kinehan and actor/director Karl Shiels.

The informative clinic is a must for writers, directors, theatre technicians and producers both professional and semi- professional. Topics for discussion are:
Writing for Theatre 
General Theatre Production
How to get your script produced

This clinic is open to artists living and working in Meath. Places are free but limited and booking is essential.
Please book you place by contacting the Arts Office on 046 9097414 or artsoffice@meathcoco.ie

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