Poetry Awards and Publications

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Waterford County Council’s Arts Office is pleased to announce that it is currently accepting entries for the national Molly Keane Creative Writing Award, now in its 16th year.

The late writer lived, until her death in 1996, in Ardmore, Co. Waterford.  Her first ten novels and four plays were published under the pseudonym M.J. Farrell.  In 1981 ‘Good Behaviour’ became a publishing sensation for which she was short listed for the prestigious Booker Prize. 

To celebrate this rich literary life, the County Waterford Arts Office, by kind permission of the Keane family, is inviting entries for a previously unpublished short story to a maximum of 2000 words.

There is no entry fee, no age limit and no restriction on the subject matter.  A prize of €500 will be awarded to the winner at a special ceremony during the IMMRAMA Literary Festival in Lismore, Co. Waterford in June 2013.

The closing date for receipt of entries is 4pm on Thursday 21 March 2013.

Full details and an entry form can be downloaded from the Waterford Arts website  or by contacting the Arts Office on 058-41416.

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