Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Richard Blanco is the US Presidental Inauguration Poet

The award-winning Cuban-American gay poet Richard Blanco has been chosen to recite a poem of his own at President Obama's inauguration tomorrow, 21 January.

Blanco, 44, will also become the youngest ever inaugural poet. President Obama said he was "honoured" that the author would be joining him and his vice president Joe Biden at their second swearing-in ceremony.

“Richard Blanco was made in Cuba, assembled in Spain, and imported to the United States,” Blanco writes on his website. A son of Cuban immigrants, born in Spain, he grew up in Miami, Blanco became a civil engineer. Later, he earned an M.F.A. in creative writing at night at Florida International University (where he earned his engineering degree). Recently, Blanco, the author of three poetry collections, began writing full-time.

More here on the Guardian website. Recent interview here. Blanco on Poets.org here with a small selection of his poems.

Poet Elizabeth Alexander wrote and recited her Praise Song for the Day for Barach Obama inauguration in 2009. It received a mixed reception.

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