Poetry Awards and Publications

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Skylight 47 - Poetry Paper

SKYLIGHT 47, the new bi-annual poetry paper from Skylight Poets was launched at the 10th Anniversary Over the Edge Reading in Galway City Library on Thursday last 24 January, 2013.

Well done to the three editors, Susan Lindsay, Kevin O'Shea and Nicola Griffin, on producing what is a very interesting tabloid poetry newspaper. I'm delighted to have a poem in it with some well-known poets. Two fellow LitLab members included, Mairéad Donnellan and Andy Jones, as well as a poem by the late Tommy Murray. I was asked to read Tommy's poem on the night and was honoured to do.

Skylight also features an interview with Harry Clifton, Ireland Professor of Poetry, who took part in the Over the Edge Reading and a poetry masterclass with Paul Maddern. Very interesting this, he is given the draft of an anonymous poem and asked for his comments. He suggests changes and a revised draft is suggested.

Kevin Higgins contributes a piece on workshops entitled "The destructive critic and the idiot who thinks you are a genius" and there are reviews of collections by Afric McGlinchey, Jessie Lendennie and Moya Cannon.

Picture: Susan Millar DuMars of Over the Edge who was MC for the event.

The editors are currently accepting submissions for the next issue to be launched in July. Closing date 1 March. Poems no longer than 40 lines, to be sent in an attachment and in the body of the email, max 4 poems, to skylightpoets47@gmail.com. Include a short bio.

You can buy a copy of Skylight 47 via PayPal here.

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