Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Online Writing Courses from Western Writers’ Centre

Galway’s Western Writers’ Centre – Ionad Scríbhneoirí Chaitlín Maude – is offering online writing courses on Poetry and on Prose. The 8-segment courses cover all aspects of writing and improving prose work in fiction and covers also styles, forms and methods of writing poetry. In both cases, reading suggestions are provided. The course takes the shape of exercises, corrections and discussion where and when necessary.

“The courses are designed to suit participants who would not be available for evening courses of this type,” says poet and novelist, Fred Johnston.

“They are also designed to introduce poetry in a variety of forms, from the conventional to the innovative.”

Previous courses have engaged participants from the US and Australia, as well as the UK and Ireland. Fees are €150 and €80 (concession.) Further information can be obtained from: westernwriters@eircom.net

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