Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, March 22, 2013

Boyne Berries 13 Launched

Boyne Berries launches are special. What makes them so is the mixture of local and national writers who attend, read and chat afterwards. Last night's launch of issue 13 was no exception. Writers came from Cork, Galway, Dublin, Westmeath, Kildare and Meath.

Caroline Carey Finn welcomed everyone and Frank Murphy of the Meath Writers Circle officially launched the issue. He complimented the Boyne Writers Group on their work on the magazine and said he was delighted that this issue contained a poetic tribute to the late Tommy Murray, poet and leader of the Writers Circle.

The contributors' readings of prose and poetry, which were all very well received, were a good mixture of the happy and the sad, the serious and the light hearted.

The evening ended with Caroline Carey Finn presenting Frank Murphy  with a framed copy of the cover image by Greg Hastings. (Picture above)

Some of those who came a distance were staying in the Castle Arch Hotel where the launch took place so there was a late discussion in the lounge on poetry, prose, prose poems, flash fiction and similar vital topics.

Frank Murphy's blog has an account of the evening.

Copies can be purchased on the Boyne Writers website or email editor@boynewriters.com

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