Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day

From the Poetry Foundation website:  

Some poems to help you mark St. Patrick’s Day. Transport yourself to the homeland with a classic by Yeats, such as “Down By the Sally Gardens” or a Celtic revival poem by Eva Gore-Booth. Follow up with contemporary Irish verse, “Game Night,” by Conor O’Callaghan. If you’re celebrating with spirits, you might down another one by Yeats, “Drinking Song,” or try a shot of Hayden Carruth’s “Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey.” But don’t forget to come back in the morning for your penance: “Sober Song,” by Barton Sutter might help dry you out.

I'm delighted to see Eva Gore-Booth in there. The Little Waves of Breffni was in many of the school books of the fifties.

The picture from Wikipedia is a mosaic of St. Patrick in The Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar, Westmeath. It is the work of the Russian born mosaic artist, Boris Anrep, and represents the saint lighting the Paschal fire on the mount of Slane. 

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